These are poems that Jimmy wrote for me a long time ago.I want to share them because they are so beautiful.The last one has always been my favorite. |
The last one has always been my favorite.I miss him with my whole heart and soul and I'm still in disbelief.Also, thank you to everyone who's sent me love and beautiful, kind words.?It means a great deal to me and I feel very blessed with the people I've met here.Much love to you all,Kelli* * *sometimes i see you in my dreams,can this be the truth i seek?but i don't know what time is sayin,if you love me, just let me in.sometimes i know that truth is fake,i don't know if your love i can take.this love you give to me can it be so real?back to a time, when i could feel.* * *through the endless winds, i feel you whisper my name,yet my mind hears only echos, as i try to do the i sit here and think of you, i watch mysterious shadows,your thoughts fill me with peace, yet you shall never a river of love, my crying joy shall conquer all my painful tears,our success is but a destiny, a journey made through the years.i try to escape this madness, it slips my grasp like holes in a sieve,if only i could spend one night, my heart to you i would give.lately my life seems happier, a deeper shade of blue,if i had a reasonable choice my love, i'd rather be with you.time goes on, and so it must be,one day i hope to be in your arms, i'll have to wait and see.* * *nothing could separate my love from you,my last breath i would give for you,i would joyfully rewalk the years of my birth,i would wither in the darkness of the earth,upon the mound of my grave, wild flowers would arise in testemony of my love,nobody could ever separate my love from you,not even the heavens above.~James~ |
It means a great deal to me and I feel very blessed with the people I've met here.Much love to you all,Kelli* * *sometimes i see you in my dreams,can this be the truth i seek?but i don't know what time is sayin,if you love me, just let me in.sometimes i know that truth is fake,i don't know if your love i can take.this love you give to me can it be so real?back to a time, when i could feel.* * *through the endless winds, i feel you whisper my name,yet my mind hears only echos, as i try to do the i sit here and think of you, i watch mysterious shadows,your thoughts fill me with peace, yet you shall never a river of love, my crying joy shall conquer all my painful tears,our success is but a destiny, a journey made through the years.i try to escape this madness, it slips my grasp like holes in a sieve,if only i could spend one night, my heart to you i would give.lately my life seems happier, a deeper shade of blue,if i had a reasonable choice my love, i'd rather be with you.time goes on, and so it must be,one day i hope to be in your arms, i'll have to wait and see.* * *nothing could separate my love from you,my last breath i would give for you,i would joyfully rewalk the years of my birth,i would wither in the darkness of the earth,upon the mound of my grave, wild flowers would arise in testemony of my love,nobody could ever separate my love from you,not even the heavens above.~James~ |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 July 2008 )