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Thursday, 17 July 2008
An Astrochronic Blog Pimp and a Call to Arms!


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I have recently come across some very profound and well stated blogs.?The importance of this message cannot be understated.?Please, what ever your political persuasion, even if you don't think you have one, take the time to read these.?Consider it carefully and do not repudiate the message in total, because you adamantly disagree with a particular point or its application.Everyone should read these blogs (as well as the cites sources).?Especially if you value truth and consider yourself a liberal.?Not because this exposes all?liberalism as bad, (even if?they do generalize a bit)?but because?the?assertions?comprehensively characterize and?explain how good liberalism has been subverted and where?this leads and how it gets there.I try to always make the distinction between pure benign liberalism and the new malignant form, not everyone who sees what I see, makes that distinction, so you must make it for yourself, and try to understand how these points add up.?Benign liberalism, just as benign conservatism, requires balance and restraint.?Liberal compassion and generosity with out pragmatic conservative restraint turns into hatred for the privileged, projected accountibility?and moral equivalence, just as conservative values of self reliance and competition, turn into hatred for the indolent under class, aggression and greed, with out the restraint of unadulterated liberal values.?Remember, Jesus was a moderate who preached a perfect balance between the two.Generosity, is not generosity, if it is mandated.?If you forcibly take from one to aid another, that is not compassion, that is not generosity.??If you demand tolerance, but refuse to tolerate any and all opposition, and seek to silence them, or force your opinions to be given equal precedence (because they just cannot stand on their own (for instance Air America?supporters demanding subsidy to stay on the air, or some kind of restrictions for their competition), that is not tolerance, that is not enlightenment, that is not freedom.That is the creeping death of Liberty.
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That is the creeping death of Liberty.I strongly believe in good liberalism and bad liberalism, just as I believe in good conservatism and bad conservatism.The bad (on either side) pushed far enough becomes indistinguishable and?generally leads to fascism or totalitarianism (such as Communism or Theocracy), and/or degenerates into?anarchy and social regression, for all the reasons I have exhaustively stated in many of my own blogs, and these blogs also illustrate, much better than I could.Please if you are on the left end of the political spectrum, read?them thoughtfully and consider the points regarding history, the methodology?and the principles and where they lead.?If you consider yourself open minded, then test that, and try to broaden your perspective.??If you disagree, then please, distill your perspective and make a reasoned argument, as to how the points are wrong or misapplied, do not just make a?blanket generalization, or just reflexively reject them.THINK!?Try to expand your horizon and see a more lucid point of view.?Here?are the links: Drew's blog: Liberal Fascism - an American Kulturkampf.Kelsey's blog: The Thief State.If you think these?are worth the read please,?please bulletin them, start a thread in the forums, tell a friend, or do your own blog "pimping".?It is time we really start making the effort to get the truth out there and stop this infection that is permeating the American cultural landscape.It is a moral imperative and the time is now.?It is critical if we want to mitigate the damage that is being done, at the very least,?or at the very worst, to save?this great Bastion of Freedom?and to stop the beacon of liberty from being snuffed out.?Some call America the Great Experiment.?
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Some call America the Great Experiment.?But this experiment can only fail if we neglect it.?WE MUST TAKE BACK AMERICA NOW!?From the fringes and the?rudderless masses.To do this we have to first confront the fringe that is surgent and dominant, and that is the far left?Socialist fringe.??The?far?right only creates?problems as a reaction to the growing infection proliferated on the left.Together they feed each other and polarize each other, swelling and becoming more rigid and obstructive, encroaching on all those with a more reasoned perspective, squeezing them into a donut hole and constraining their ability to mitigate the conflict between the ever radicalizing wings.?But faith is an integral requisite of the human condition, and the religious traditions of Christians are what set the foundation of our nation, and as such, they are certainly not the key issue destroying our society, even if in some part the most extreme in their beliefs are in part responsible for obstructing rationality and tilling the soil for the seeds of Modern Liberalism to grow.?But to blossom they need to be nurtured in a vacuum of secularism and self affirming moral equivalence.??The far right fringe is much less destructive, much less invasive, and much less malicious in this regard.We must take what we have learned from the crash test of history, and move forward as the judicious and?ascendant?leader of the world and the last?best hope and most?diligent hand outstretched to lift up the world and welcome all oppressed peoples into it's embrace of liberty and freedom.?From the freedom to worship as we believe (so long as those beliefs are benevolent and civil), to the freedom to compete in the market place, to the freedom to be self reliant and free of the chains?of oppressive entitlement,?government regulation and the burden of tax required to facilitate it.?We must return to the natural ideals that America was founded on, built by and developed by into the?juggernaut it is today, unrivaled in strength and temperance?in all of our collected human history.?If there is a path to unite the world, end the savagery and brutality of war as we know it, erase all borders, connect all cultures, confront evil and subjugation with righteous determination, end famine and render the term "third world nation" obsolete, America is the only force that has the fortitude, vision, and ability to lead us on that path.?But to maintain that ability, we must confront now, what is slowly and steadily disintegrating the bonds and ideals that allow our footing on that path to be sure and unwavering.We must start actively getting involved.
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We must start actively getting involved.It is hard for conservatives to be activist, but we have to.?Or we will lose our country to those mindless sycophants who's activism is empowered by their spite,?self affirming delusions and urgent need for constant enablement and validation.Conservatives generally don't need that, so we are too often not as motivated to stand up and be heard.?Jadedness will not correct itself, it must be combated.?It will only continue to degenerate society and facilitate systemic entropy if left to its own devices.?We have so much history to look to to see where this is leading.?We must remember, we must learn, we must teach, we must stand up and be heard!Remember, they may not know what they do, it's a sickness that only enlightenment will cure.?But you have to be willing to take the medicine.If anyone has any blogs or articles you think would suppliment, compliment, or perhaps provide a reasoned, honest rebuttle to any or all points, please feel free to drop a link in the comments.If I get around to checking them out, and I think they are worthy, I will bulletine them and add them to this blog as I?continually update it.?Thank you and God bless.
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Thank you and God bless.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 July 2008 )

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